How to transform wishes into goals

Have you set any 2019 resolution? Did you let your mind know? How?
Remember, we have a mind, we are not our mind.
You need to TAKE CARE of it if you want to drive it towards those goals. How? 3 ways to inspire and help you.

1) INFORM: get them out of your inner voice, your consciousness of thoughts, and communicate them in a convincing way to your mind using your most effective channels: visual (write them), audio (read them aloud), kinesthetic (share them in person with close people).

2) SUPPORT your mind by avoiding confusion, setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, realistic and timed goals.

3) ANSWER these 2 questions your mind has for you: “How will you know you have reached that goal?” and “How will you make sure we’ll do your chosen action plan to reach that goal?”