
“It’s OK Not To Be OK”

Sharing personal vulnerability is the key to creating unique and intense connections in relationships. It’s at the centre of being a leader. Come closer. Listen: your vulnerability is the heart of your authenticity. There, your outstanding distinction and the motivation for your purpose, your ultimate goal, reveal themselves. It is …

“It’s OK Not To Be OK”Read More…


A modus-place where opinions meet and empathetically confront each other, convictions change, people evolve, acting as a prelude to conscious, authentic and altruistic decisions. There often existed, despite the recurrent and punctual reminders of mother nature, even recent, the world of (un)certainty. It was inhabited by the leader ego, endowed with a …

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Not a leader without empathy

What would happen if leaders could not fire employees? Like their kids, for example. Leaders are not responsible for the job or the numbers, but for the people who are responsible for the job. They need empathy: being concerned about the human being, not only the outcome. By the way, …

Not a leader without empathyRead More…