Not a leader without empathy

What would happen if leaders could not fire employees? Like their kids, for example. Leaders are not responsible for the job or the numbers, but for the people who are responsible for the job. They need empathy: being concerned about the human being, not only the outcome. By the way, …

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Your story will change the world!

AMAZING: experience, group of people, the purpose, the learning, the inspiration, the feelings, the authenticity. I am so happy and proud to be one of them! Read the full story here

Gerardo Segat

After several experiences as an entrepreneur, chairman, director and CEO, I am now an international leadership coach. My purpose and legacy is humanizing leadership, my watchword is impact, my values are authenticity, altruism and respect, my secret weapon is sensitivity. I created PRELUDES, a coaching program to humanize leaders, organisations …

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